Dan Lovitz
Dan Lovitz
Senior Vice President, Acquisitions
Patrick Luther
Patrick Luther
Managing Principal
SRS Real Estate Partners
John Massocca
John Massocca
Vice President, Equity Research - REITs
Ladenburg Thalmann Co Inc
Joseph Mastrocola Mastrocola
Joseph Mastrocola Mastrocola
Executive Director
W. P. Carey
Mark Maughan
Mark Maughan
Managing Partner
Sundance Bay
Elyssa McMullen
Elyssa K. McMullen
Managing Director, Head of Credit Tenant Lease Financing
Prudential Private Capital (PGIM)
Pamela Michaels
Pamela Michaels
Senior Vice President
Asset Preservation, Inc.
Tivon Moffitt
Tivon Moffitt
Senior Director, JLL Capital Markets - Net Lease
Matt Partidge
Matt Partidge
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
Will Pike
Will Pike
Vice Chairman/Managing Director
Ross Prindle
Ross Prindle
Managing Director and Global Head of the Real Estate Advisory Group
Duff & Phelps
Elizabeth Randall
Elizabeth Randall
President, Director Healthcare Sale Leaseback
Randall Commercial Group, LLC
Gino Sabatini
Gino Sabatini
Managing Director, Head of Investments
W. P. Carey
Preet Sabharwal
Preet Sabharwal
Managing Partner
SAB Group
Adam Scherr
Adam Scherr
Managing Director
Sands Investment Group
Rob Walters
Quattro Development
Gordon Whiting
Gordon Whiting
Managing Director
TPG Angelo Gordon
Thomas Zarrilli
Thomas Zarrilli
CTL Capital LLC