State of the Industry: Impacts of a Disruptive Year
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Darryl Freling Jon Buehner John Chang Chris Bodnar Steven Reedy David Lari

Threats of a looming recession still have a stronghold over the economy, and cause volatility in cap rates, and interest rates. Many across the CRE landscape have pulled back over the last year, making transaction rates slow and halting deals that were once a sure bet. While Healthcare CRE has felt these shockwaves, the consistency of medical offices, the rise in single tenant medical buildings, steady growth in Life Sciences, and the growth of hospitals in rural & suburban areas has stabilized an ever disruptive marketplace. Hear our Healthcare Real Estate Executives discuss these swift shifts, and emerging opportunities during the always popular State of the Industry panel.