Date & Time
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
1:1 Unplugged I: Insights from Trailblazer Amy Galvin on Empowering Women at Work, Creating Equity at Home, and Finding Personal Well-Being

Join us for an inspiring interview featuring Amy Galvin, CEO of Luxury Living, as she recounts her transformative journey from brand marketing expert to founding and scaling Chicago's premier third-party leasing company. In this session, Amy will delve into the challenges of balancing a fast-growing company and growing family with personal well-being, discussing her own battles with burnout and the impact of the Fair Play method on her life. Today, she believes that women's equality in the workplace begins with fostering equity at home. Amy will offer practical advice for ambitious women on trusting their intuition, empowering themselves, and creating harmony in their lives.

Sabrina Wottreng Amy Galvin